Second Act Coach & Speaker

free Career transition exercise

what can you change now?

Start planning for tomorrow today with a simple 15-minute clarity exercise to uncover small steps you can take now to start feeling better right away.


do you yearn to escape the corporate life but
feel paralyzed about what’s next?

This is for you if…

  • A voice inside you—or people around you—are asking, “What’s next?”

  • You’re reaching a certain age…but you’re not interested in “retirement.”

  • You’re ready to escape the rat race, but you still want do something productive and meaningful.

  • You have plenty of energy, and you want to make a real difference.

  • You have a passion or a dream, but you’re nervous about taking the risk at this stage of life.


Learn the key to making Things Better…
Without Struggle or Strain

What to Expect From This Exercise

The WHAT CAN YOU CHANGE NOW? tool is a simple 15-minute clarity exercise to take the first step towards planning a successful career or life transition! This exercise will help you take a step back and look at what’s working for you and what isn’t.

As we reach our late 50s or 60s, many of us have unspoken, even unconscious thoughts that raise a host of conflicting feelings. We want to stay active and productive, but don’t want to keep up the same pace. We know we’re not as young as we were, but we don’t want to think about it. Yet we secretly worry that this stage in life might be the “beginning of the end.”

The good news is, Boomers are rewriting the playbook for these years. We’re living longer, and growing bolder as we grow older! 

And you can transform this time in your life into your own new beginning…your Second Act! Whether you want to keep earning income or just stay busy and useful, there’s an explosion of opportunities. 

But first you have to get clear about what this life stage really means to you. And you’ll hit far fewer bumps in the road if you work this out BEFORE you make a change. Isn’t it time you took that first step?


Hi! I’m Judith!

I created Blueprint Your Breakthrough™ to give people the help I wished I had received when I was ready for my Second Act.

I was a successful communications executive who landed my dream job in my early thirties.

By my late fifties, my children were mostly grown and I was divorced. Meanwhile, the world of communications had become less about people and more about data. Numbers have never been my thing!

Deep down I also knew my heart was no longer in promoting organizations and managing crises. There was someone else inside who was yearning for a different kind of life, to make a different kind of impact.

But I didn’t think I had any options. After all, communications was the work I was known and respected for. So when I was recruited to upgrade and modernize another communications department, I jumped in.

It was a 24/7 slog. I felt enormous stress, even physical symptoms. I lived on antacids and even needed a heart procedure. But I stlll felt I had to keep going, because I figured this would be my last job.


One day I was with a group of women and just blurted out how unhappy I was in my job.  And one of them—a very wise coach— asked me: "If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?" 

I remembered how much I had loved learning coaching as part of a Masters’ program years before. I realized I was already coaching informally in my jobs and personal life. 

Just imagining living life as a coach lit me up inside!

Once I realized what was most important to me, I started to create a vision for how I wanted to live.  

I did the research on what it would take---including how to swing it financially.  I updated my coaching training while still at the job. 

And when I resigned, it was with a sense of purpose and clear direction—not to mention excitement.

I have never looked back. I’m a whole lot healthier. And I expect to work even longer!


 I did this on my own, and it was tough.

So I created Blueprint Your Breakthrough™ To give people the help I wish I had received.



It’s a 3-step process, and it’s a lot like buying a house!


And like a good realtor, I give you the tools and information to evaluate your options and make sure you are covering all the bases. As your personal coach, I’m with you every step of the way.


1Discover What You’re Looking For

You start by creating your checklist—what fits your unique strengths, skills, and values. We use a range of assessments, exercises, and my questions. It’s fun, and clients often find the results surprising.


2Look for Your Dream Scenario

You take your checklist and compare it with what’s out there.

You’ll probably do some research to test out some options.

Just like with houses, the first idea or two may not work.

But when you land on the one that is the right fit, you know it in your soul. And that unleashes tremendous energy and excitement.


3Set Yourself Up for Success

What has to happen before you press “go?”

Do you need help cleaning up old business?

Planning your resignation? Revising your Linked In profile?

Or is it about putting the right support system in place?

It’s different for each client.



From Stressed to making a Difference

What really stands out—and this is you more than coaching—is that you could figure me out. You inspired me to think through my life and what was important to me, and it was making a difference.
— Beth,JD,MBA,Client

Here’s what some folks have said about

working with me

I had been looking at who I might talk to to get some clarity on “what’s next,“ and had reached a dead end. Should I stay engaged in work/business or just retire? I saw Judith on a TV interview and realized that she might be the person to help me establish a satisfying future. The breakthroughs I have experienced have been surprising. More clarity has now given me more energy. I am sleeping much better. A number of ideas came out that I know I would not have had access to on my own. For me, this is a very big deal. You should hope that Judith doesn’t get too busy.”  

 - Larry Liss, Entrepreneurial Advisor, Decorated Army Helicopter Pilot

Judith had an uncanny ability to “hear” what I was not saying, to sense what needed to be said. In a few short weeks I had more “aha” moments talking with Judith than I did with months of counseling. These insights have allowed me to move forward in ways that I had not thought possible. She is warm, caring, and safe. I know without doubt that she had only my best interest in mind.

-June Washikita O’Neill, Strategic Relationship Manager

I came to Judith for coaching around planning my work transition toward retirement. She helped me clarify much more than that. Working with her, I came to see new possibilities that would make the next part of my life more fulfilling and rewarding, and the steps I could take now to prepare. She also referred me to expert professionals for financial and Medicare planning. I found our time together extremely valuable, and highly recommend her to others who are approaching this stage in life. 

-CEO, New York City